"Here is my secret. It is very simple: One sees clearly only with the heart. Anything essential is invisible to the eyes."
/The Little Prince/

2010. október 15., péntek

Keep Fighting!

"The only one is acceptable is to go on and see what happens. And why I find this cool is...is great stuff out there, when you walk throught this stuff, when you walk through the fear, when you walk through what are people gonna think or, you know...what's gonna happen? When something's gonna happen and we don't know what it is, but chances at least 50:50 that will be pretty good. That's why I wanna take that risk."
by Michael J. Fox (Inside the Actor's Studio, 2005) 

A Real Man, a Real Person who did not give up, does not give up and will NOT give up his life and dreams! A lot of people don't have that quality and that personality like he has.
It is not a gift. It is the most important thing that you can learn JUST from yourself. And after when you find that in your soul you have to truly believe in. 
But that doesn't mean that you have to do this alone without your friends or your family. It means that YOU have to make that decision, you have to find the way which is safe for you.
And when you reach the only quite place in your head, things will change.
That makes you fly and happy, and gives you hope to the rest of your life.

1 megjegyzés:

  1. I always felt he's a kind of soul mate of mine. When I've seen the movie BTTF for the first time, I was only 4 or 5, and was in love with his character, but i was too young to understand his real life. I didnt know anything about him, but he was already my favourite actor. and still he is. After reading a lot about his diseaseand his life, I started to understand what Life is. Ive read this book, and I loved the feeling that it gave me. Just love him.

    Anyways, I didnt know that you have a blog, I'll try to follow you :)
